Pushakara takes places, depending upon the travel of Jupiter
to a particular sign. Each river has its own zodiac sign, Whenever Jupiter
enters particular sign, pushkara takes place for that river.
Lasts for One Year., as long as, Jupiter remains in particular sign,
Pusharas take place for that river.
reference to the sacred rivers, Pushkara means the one who energize the rivers
and provide spiritual purification.
Pushkar God travels through a river that river becomes Holy and more powerful,
purified and energized.
the entry of Jupiter into Zodiac Sign o Leo sign the Pushkara start to River the
Godavari. On 14th July 2015 Jupiter Travel
to Leo Zodiac Sign and stays there till 11.8.2016.
First 12 days of Pushkara are called adhi pushkaras and last 12
days of Pushkaras are called “Anthya
Those who cannot makeup in the adi pushkaralu taking dip during Anthya pushkatras has same effect.
Having dip in Godavari on both occassions is really a great opportunity.
Those who cannot makeup in the adi pushkaralu taking dip during Anthya pushkatras has same effect.
Having dip in Godavari on both occassions is really a great opportunity.
Following are the activities gthat are performed during the
pushkara times near the river
Taking Bath in the Holy River during the above period one gets the
blessing of God and punya.
Offering various Danas(Charity),
· Holy rituals like pitru karma performed on
the banks of river during Pushkara time’s gives great solace to departed souls
of the clan who does the rituals.
of following items in pushkaras gives great punya.
Donating the below mentioned items to the Brahmins during the
pushkara period have a great impact in the life of individuals according to the
Every Dana performed have a unique impact accordingly
Dana, Gold, Silver, Bhoo-Dana, Rice, Ghee, Jaggery, Honey, Grandha (sacred
text), Vasthra, Paada Raksha (Chappals), Umbrella, Hand Stick, Fan, Sayya
(Bedding), Phala (Fruits), Bell (Ghanta), Paathra (brass/silver vessel), Asana
(Mat), Nava Dhanya, Milk, Cow, Salagrama
For Pushkara Story visit http://myplacemyindia.blogspot.in/2015/07/pushkara-story.html
For details on Anthya pushkaras pl vist
Since there are heavy rains and floods in some areas one should take care at the time of going into river during this antya pushkaras sheduled from 31.7.2016 to 11.8.2016.